Another Quicksheet!

I must be in the mood for staring at spreadsheets for some reason. Well, it’s linked on the Campaign Resources page, or here I guess. There’s quite a few differences in pulling all of the Divine spells into a quicksheet vs doing the Arcane spells. First off, I condensed a bunch of the domains a…

Abusing Sanctuary

Back when I was still green to this whole DM’ing thing and I had a few more players that were clever casters, this was something that happened all the time. They would find themselves faced with imminent danger and tap on the Cleric for Sanctuary which would more or less give them a free pass…

Turn Undead

Turn undead is a default ability for Clerics in 2e, and while it makes sense on the thematically generic version of what D&D is, once you start throwing in specific deities and domains, it tends to fall apart. The only real caveat for the ability is that evil clerics do the opposite in controlling undead.…

Classes: The Channeller

Channellers are not quite a wizard, nor a cleric, but manipulators of the basic energies that compose both Arcane and Divine powers. Where a wizard would methodically learn precise motions, words, and combinations of materials to focus arcane power to specific ends, a Channeller learns how to channel this power directly. Similarly they are trained…

Classes: The Seeker

My initial concept for the Seeker was something of a pagan-style multiple deity worshipping Cleric that couldn’t be tied down to a primary god. Giving them access to multiple domains, and even calling down blessing from gods that might not even recognize them as a worshipper to begin with. A thief of divine power as…

2e Priest Spells by Sphere

I’ve been spending a lot of time getting the magic in my system working in a manner that makes your choices of spells matter and influence your future actions. I did have a little rant about this quite a while ago, and I think I’ve finalized the last of the major changes I wanted to…

Cleric of Tyr Domain Based Spell List

Excellent. This is the example of what I’ve been looking for as far as getting a full list of spells using specific domains or spheres for a Cleric. This is exactly what I’ve been looking for, and I wish there were an easier way to get things formatted into place when I find other spell…

Compiling My Cleric Domains

This post in particular has been getting quite a bit of traction over the past couple of years, I’ll make it easy on anyone finding their way here from Google. With reservations of course, these domains are not straight rips from the sourcebooks. I’ve re-compiled a few domains into more appropriate ones so creating a…

Classes: The Templar

This is by far the most popular class among my players in the three different times we’ve had fresh characters rolled up with the dual classes available. It’s not really difficult to understand why. Templars have the most hp and best thac0 of the bunch, they’re an excellent bruiser class, and they get a fair…