Newbie Blogger Initiative! – 2013

Monday! And/or October 1st! (There was some mild confusion so I’m maybe posting early, dunno.) In the beginning, there is a writer. The internet serves as his whiteboard. I began in forums, putting in my two cents wherever I found a field with a submit button. Soon after, I migrated to the “professional” gaming sites…

Standards in Blogrolling #NBI

A while back I watched a TED talk (If you don’t know what that is, go educate yourself immediately) on the effects of our media consumption habits weighted against our ability to use Google effectively. Google is more and more becoming a socially and habitually influenced search engine that wants to find you things most…

Pile of #NBIMMO Links

Just gonna leave this here… Eventually I’ll get around to adding various ones to my RSS reader, then double-eventually updating my blogroll to the right. I’m not saying I’ll be reading all of these, definitely a handful. Eventually.  Adamant Nomad Aggrolicious Auction House on Farm! Altaclysmic AntiPlasmaFrequency The Blue Haired Geek Backseat Game design Bad…

#NBIMMO Damn it feels good to be a Blogger

Maybe it was all just a conspiracy to get us to be nice to each other for a solid month and somehow change the underlying cynicism of blogging entirely… What? No, no, don’t mind my errant rambling. I’m sure it’s nothing. Let’s just get onto the part where I tell you things about blogging shall…

NBI in the Month of May

Ah, Nude Body Inspectors, just in time for the weather to start warming up and the ladies to wear things a little more comfortable. Wait, no… that’s not at all what NBI is for. Lets try that again. It’s been a while since we had a chance, as a blogging community, to encourage those of…

Twitter: A Guide

(not my standard gaming fare, but since I have this bloggy thingy here, I should probably use it for something at least.)   Are you the sort of person that takes one sideways glance at Twitter and thinks to themselves, “Why would I be interested in someone brushing their teeth?” Please, kill that misconception in…