WCPI – Tufmudda

On a promise from Tufmudda in his most recent post to be posting moar, I’ve decided to feature him as my WCPI nomination for the week. Tufmudda has been blogging for quite a while now, with 70+ posts, and a strong love for WAR. I’ve been missing some of his work as he kinda went under the radar for a little bit, and I hope he can rise back to his former frequent posting glory.

WAR has a ton of bloggers. There’s always someone that I could do a WCPI on, but like anything, we feel a hunger. A hunger for people to see us, and read us, and inflate our numbers to the moon! It’s a culmination of love for a game that we drop ourselves into full heart and soul to bring you, the readers, the most relevant information that we possibly can. Players-turned-bloggers due to WAR are by far my favorite, as they have the exact same amount of experience as I do. Hell, I didn’t even start READING blogs until I started playing WAR.

Visit Tuffmudda. Demand MOAR POSTS.

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